Math and Computer Technology

Campus Center 903
Organizer: Robert Shapiro

Chandler Davis. Professor of Mathematics, University of Toronto, SftP Member. “Mathematicians against the American War in Vietnam”

R. D. Ogden. Professor of Computer Science (Emeritus), Texas State University, SftP member. “The N.S.A. and the Ethical Formation of Computer Scientists” (PDF FILE FOR OGDEN PRESENTATION)

Robert Shapiro. President, Process Analytica LLC; Chair, Technical Committee — Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC); SftP member. “Computers and the Movement: Critique and Applications”

Steven Brewer. Director, Biology Computer Resource Center, UMass Amherst. “Community Television, Free Software, and Maker/Hacker Communities: Aspirations of Freedom” (DOC FILE FOR BREWER PRESENTATION)