Science for the People Magazine - 1975
Vol. 7 No. 1 (Jan 1975)
Actions on XYY Research
Energy Crisis: Immediate Causes; Structural Causes
Population: Bombast in Bucharest
AAA$: Then and Now
Health Care Politics: A Report from the A.P.H.A. Conference
Health and Nutrition Column: Agribusiness
Soybeans in India?
Northeast Regional Conference Report and Resolutions
INDEX to Science for the People Vol. 5 #5 to Vol. 6 #6 (18 subject categories)
Vol. 7 No. 2 (Mar 1975)
Concentration of Power in the Food Business
Economics of Hunger
Weather: Calamities of Nature; Weather Modification as a Weapon of Imperialism
Eater’s Digest: Consumer’s Guide to Food Additives
Nutrition and Malnutrition
Behind the Busing Crisis: An Analysis of the Political Forces Involved
Vol. 7 No. 3 (May 1975)
RN’s Strike
International Women’s Day 1975
The Limits to Capitalist Growth
Concerning the Infanticide, Marie Farrar
Science and Technology in Brazil
Book Review: The Energy Crisis and the REAL Crisis Behind It
Corporate Connections of Notable Scientists
AAA$ Actions 1975
Science Teaching: A Science and Society Course
Vol. 7 No. 4 (July 1975)
Imperialism: The Common Enemy
Science Versus Ethics
Small is Beautiful as a Book and a Bum Steer
Five Years of Science for the People: A Political Analysis
Their Victory is Our Victory
Women’s Work in Vietnam
The XYY Controversy (Continued)
Food for Thought: The Effects of Nutrition on Brain Development
Science Teaching Column: Plants: Food for Thought
Vol. 7 No. 5 (Sep 1975)
An Introduction to OSHA
Asbestos: $cience for $ale
OSHA Inspectors
Diagnosis: Work-Related Disease
Reports from Worker-Oriented Health and Safety Projects: New Haven; St. Louis; San Francisco
XXX at Vinylex
Industrial Safety and Health in Puerto Rico
Occupational Health and Safety Resources
Science Teaching Column
Report on Boston SftP-Sponsored Panel: Discussion on Research Ethics
Ann Arbor Chapter Report
Vol. 7 No. 6 (Nov 1975)
The New Robots
Milking Profits Out of Cows
Detente: Superpower-Supersham
Vietnam Rebuilds: Dialectics and Diodes
Cancer Prevention – Peoples Science
Science Teaching Column
Book Review: Sociobiology: The Skewed Synthesis